Monday, March 14, 2011

Television woes…


We’ve recently decided that Aiden was way too preoccupied with the television.  He’d want it on all the time, would watch it instead of playing, would watch it from the table or scream if it wasn’t on, he’d give you the remote and want you to channel surf until he saw something he liked…  and we knew this wasn’t going to work.

So, we’ve decided that there will be NO television while Aiden is awake for at least the next two weeks. No cartoons, no videos, not even shows for Mommy and Daddy. I’ve started laying a throw blanket over it so that Aiden truly gets the message, “We are NOT watching TV!”

So far, it has worked.. he has rediscovered his toys and only asked for the television a couple times. I know its going to be hard for him, because I know that its hard for me.. but, it was just getting way out of hand.

After the two weeks, we will revisit the idea, maybe allowing occasional TV time, but hopefully we can prevent it from getting back to that crazy… “All TV all the time” mentality that he was developing.  At least the weather is nice, Aiden would much rather be at the park than inside watching cartoons anyway!


Barri Juliussen said...

Great idea! I am having a similar problem with Noah - trying to re-train him from all the movie times during the move.

aka "Mickey" said...

Sounds like a great idea but will take a lot of discipline on the part of parents. When I was 18 months old, my parents did not allow me to watch TV either, never mind, we didn't have a TV. ............aka "Mickey"

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