Sunday, March 13, 2011

FINALLY feeling better…

Aiden spent the first half of last week battling an ear infection.  He woke up last Saturday morning in a lot of pain, so we took him in to see the doctor. She put him on antibiotics and over the course of the week he began to feel better.  We started off the week with LOTS and LOTS of tantrums and crying but now he seems to be back to his happy self!  He has even slept very late the past few days. He slept until 9 o’clock twice this weekend! It’s hard to believe that MY early bird was still asleep at 9 o’clock.. it was nice to sleep in, granted.. but it was still VERY strange!!

He was even feeling well enough Friday night, that he entertained himself long enough to allow me to cook a REAL meal.. I mean one that didn’t come from a bag, box, or even the freezer!

This is how he entertained himself while I cooked.

I also would like to point out the cute plaid dinosaur on his shirt that matches his plaid deck shoes.. He LOVES those shoes.. he stares at his feet when he is wearing them and carries them around when he isn’t. I like them too.. He’s so stinking cute in them!

Aiden also dealt with several new teeth coming through last week. So, if the ear infection wasn’t enough to make Aiden a grumpy, miserable baby, the new teeth pushing through his gums put him over the edge.

The good thing is that I’m relatively sure that there can’t be too many left to come in right now. I mean, he has a mouth full.  At last count, I could see 12 teeth that were all the way in. There are an additional 4 that have broken the surface and are well on their way to becoming part of that toothy grin that I love so much. Here are a few pictures that somewhat showcase Aiden’s full set of teeth.Granted, you can’t see all of them, but you can get a pretty good idea, besides, he’s just too cute in his pajamas, eating his breakfast!

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I would say to look past the crazy bed head.. but his hair pretty much looks like this all of the time.  I guess he got Daddy’s red hair with Mommy’s curls. Yeah, I think its cute.

I have one more picture from today to share. 

Aiden has never taken any interest in wearing hats. It’s just not his “style” I guess.  He has always ripped them off as soon as I put them on his head, so I just stopped trying. Lately, however, he has been very interested in anything that Mommy wears on her head.  Of course he loves sunglasses.. most kids love sunglasses and I have some pretty cute pictures of him wearing my glasses. Today he decided he wanted to wear a headband. He almost got it on correctly and it was pretty cute. Even though, I’m sure in 10 years he’ll really dislike the fact that we took these pictures.

Again, this was taken with the cheapo phone.. and the quality really leaves a lot to be desired.

All in all, we have had a wonderful weekend at home.  We so very rarely have those!  We played at the park, grilled out, had a lots of family time. Its so nice to have our cheerful little guy back, and its ALWAYS nice to spend some quality time with my little family!


aka "Mickey" said...

He has grown so much but yet, hasn't changed. Looking forward to holding my little buddy some day soon. .....aka "Mickey"

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