Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Barnyard Noises & Other Entertaining Sounds

 A conversation between Aiden and Mommy on the way to “school” this morning…
Me: Aiden, that’s a bird. What sound does a bird make?
Aiden: TweetTweetTweetTweet (note this is all one word with no pauses)
Me: Good! Now, how about a cow?
Aiden: mmmmmmoooooooo (in the highest of pitches)
Me: Great!! What about a monkey?
Aiden: Ah Ah Ah (he then giggles and squirms around “like a monkey”)

I tried to continue this conversation but couldn’t get a response.  It seems that the church where he goes to “school” had come into sight and he was staring out the window, grinning ear to ear.

I so enjoy my time at home with him, but it makes me so happy to see him so excited to go play and spend time with other children his age. I really like the fact that he gets so excited to see his teachers. He just laughs and loves on them.. I really think the people at the Ridgecrest Play Pals program are doing an awesome job!

Speaking of entertaining sounds, Aiden has a new word that I just LOVE.. He is very big with the “please” right now.  Yesterday our waitress sat a basket of biscuits down in front of us (Aiden’s favorite) and he pointed to them, looked at me, gave me his toothiest grin and asked “please?! It was too precious.

Another sweet moment was when he held the Valentine Ryleigh gave him up, kissed her picture and said “Awe, Ry”  It had been a while since he had seen her and I think he was missing his friend!

Rather conversely, we have had a growing number of NOT entertaining sounds around here so far this week.  As Aiden has been recovering from his ear infection (it is MUCH better now), he has become KING of the tantrums.  Yesterday, it was because I wouldn’t put juice in his milk cup, and then again because I wouldn’t put Yo Gabba Gabba (or GABBA as he calls it) on the TV. This morning it was because I didn’t get breakfast to the table in time.. Yes, he has a 5-6 minute tantrum because he was not served his breakfast in a timely manner.. sigh.. It could be the ear infection, or just the age he’s at.. or maybe its because while he was sick DADDY spoiled him!! hmmm…

He’s my sweet boy most of the time though, with lots of pucker lipped kisses just for his mommy.. I wouldn’t trade a minute of it!


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