Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Caught in the Act!

Aiden has been up to some cute stuff lately. Bad, but cute.

He always sneaks off or waits until I leave the room and then he gets into things he shouldn’t.. most of the time it’s pretty adorable, so I snap a photo before I correct him. Here are a few “Caught in the Act” photos…

IMG00408-20110314-1733This would be Aiden using his riding toy lion to reach things he knows he’s not allowed to play with or touch.
   IMG00419-20110325-1738THIS is Aiden trying to take a bath all by himself.  He hadn’t turned the water on, but he climbed over in there fully clothed, and wanted to play with his bath toys.

IMG00451-20110406-1206   Now, THIS is Aiden’s favorite place from which to watch his videos. No matter how many times I tell him no, I can always find him there a few minutes later. Note, the comfy chair right below him. Yeah, he just uses that as a step stool.

IMG00634-20110409-0950And this, you really can’t tell much about.. but its Aiden jumping on the storage ottoman.  He thinks this is hilarious!

Aiden is growing and becoming more mischievous every day.  He had his 18 month well baby check up this week, and he weighed a whopping 30 pounds and was 34 and a quarter inches long! This put him in the 90th percentile on both height and weight! He’s my big boy!

Aiden’s new favorite past time is singing and doing the hand motions to wheels on the bus.  My mission is to get a video of this.. it is too funny! Hopefully, that will be the next thing I post!

I leave you with a picture of Aiden with his “shades” on his head.. Oh yeah, He’s just too cool.



aka "Mickey" said...

Love it, thanks for sharing. .......aka "Mickey"

Barri Juliussen said...

So cute! Those naughty moments are sometimes the funniest. ;-)

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