Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm still kicking...

I have seriously.. and I mean SERIOUSLY neglected my blog lately. And, of course by lately I mean for the last three months.

It seems that every time I think about blogging about something though, I can't because I think "I have to catch it up first"

So here it is, my promise.. by the end of the year, my blog WILL be up to date, and I will be blogging again on a regular basis.

I have several blogs I want to finish and post and I'll be doing it the same way I did with our trip to California.. I'll try to post them with the correct dates, just so when we look back, we'll see everything in the correct order.

Here are some blogs I know will be added...

"I love numbers..."

"Dot.mom and the Duggars!"

"I'm 2!!"

"New Jobs, New School"



"War Eagle"

"Bless your heart"

I have to get these finished and up soon because in the next few weeks we are going to have tons to blog about, and will even have some new fancy family photos to share!

So, check back for updates, hopefully I can get a couple up by tomorrow's nap time!


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