Monday, December 5, 2011

Animal Safari

So, I haven’t gotten all of the backlog posts caught up, but I wanted, no NEEDED to post this pictures.  I don’t know when we’ve had this much fun!  Aiden loved feeding the animals and were not scared of any of them!  It was such a good time and we can’t WAIT to go back!


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Then it was petting zoo time!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm still kicking...

I have seriously.. and I mean SERIOUSLY neglected my blog lately. And, of course by lately I mean for the last three months.

It seems that every time I think about blogging about something though, I can't because I think "I have to catch it up first"

So here it is, my promise.. by the end of the year, my blog WILL be up to date, and I will be blogging again on a regular basis.

I have several blogs I want to finish and post and I'll be doing it the same way I did with our trip to California.. I'll try to post them with the correct dates, just so when we look back, we'll see everything in the correct order.

Here are some blogs I know will be added...

"I love numbers..."

" and the Duggars!"

"I'm 2!!"

"New Jobs, New School"



"War Eagle"

"Bless your heart"

I have to get these finished and up soon because in the next few weeks we are going to have tons to blog about, and will even have some new fancy family photos to share!

So, check back for updates, hopefully I can get a couple up by tomorrow's nap time!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It’s almost here….

I’m really having a hard time believing it.. but my baby is almost TWO years old!! It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating his first birthday and here it is a whole year later!  He’s just growing up way too quickly!!


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Monday, August 29, 2011

Aiden said WHAT?!

My little boy’s vocabulary is really starting to blossom.  He really was a bit late to start talking.  At his 18 month well baby appointment they used words like “Early Intervention” and “speech therapy”… However, he has really started to talk more and more and seems to be saying something new everyday.

He really enjoys counting… most of the time he can make it all the way to ten! He is so proud of himself afterwards.. and we are too! I was so amazed the first time I heard a string of numbers come from that little mouth!

He’s also gotten much better with names, please and thank you, and really any everyday item he uses on a regular basis.  However, this weekend, he added a couple phrases that made me stop and say.. “My baby said WHAT?”

I've been wondering if Aiden was ready to potty train for a while now because he almost always stays dry at night and during naptime, but he hadn’t been telling me he was wet or dirty, so I figured we still had a while.. Well, Aiden has started letting me know..

“Momma, I STINK!”

“You what, baby?” “I STINK!” and almost every time he has dirtied his diaper. And ya know.. he DID stink!!

Today, we started with an even “better” phrase… Aiden was playing in his room and he loudly.. well… passes gas.  I looked over and said “Aiden?!” He then giggled and said “I pooted!”.  He did this once more tonight.. so I guess it’s a permanent addition to the vocabulary.. I wonder where he could have learned this.. (thanks, Tal)

I love my funny little guy.. He keeps me laughing on a daily basis!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SHOES, Momma!

shoes momma

Oh… he DOES love those shoes.  My boy doesn’t care for pants.. but he loves his shoes!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Love My Boys...

aiden and tal

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband.  I’ve always known that, and I knew he’d be a great father from the beginning.  However, I had NO idea just how great a Dad he would be.  It’s amazing to watch Aiden’s eyes light up with Tal walks into the room and I thoroughly enjoy watching them play together.  The older Aiden gets, the more excited he is to see Tal in the evenings.. and now that he’s no longer a baby and instead a full-blown toddler, he wants to run and play together from the time we finish dinner until it’s time to go to bed.  Its like his best friend has come over to play and he doesn't want to waste a minute!  I love my “boys” so much, and seeing them together just makes my heart melt.. so I thought I’d post a few of my favorite photo’s and videos of them together.

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I’m so incredibly blessed to have these guys in my life!